Pemetaan Potensi Sektor Ekonomi di Kota Kediri Jawa Timur
The purpose of this study is to analyze the potential of each economic sector in Kediri City by identifying which sectors are basic and which are growing relatively fast, because economic growth and community welfare are one of the factors. The data used consists of secondary data obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of Kediri City and East Java from 2019 to 2021. In addition, the quantitative descriptive approach used in this research is also used. By using methods such as Location Quotient (LQ) analysis, Shift Share analysis, and Klassen Typology analysis. The results showed that based on LQ analysis Kediri City has 1 base sector which is the manufacturing sector, based on Proportional Shift Share analysis there are 7 sectors that grow relatively fast, based on Regional Potential Shift Share analysis there are 9 sectors that tend to encourage the growth of East Java GRDP, and based on Differential Shift Share analysis there are 5 sectors that have local advantages. Kediri City is also included in the category of "Advanced but Depressed Region" in Klassen's Typology.
Keywords: Economic Sector, GRDP , Klassen Typology, Location Quotient, Shift Share
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Copyright (c) 2023 Erika Putri Wisnu Rian, Marsetov Marsetov

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