Pengaruh Perputaran Modal Kerja Terhadap Profitabilitas Pada Usaha Mikro Sembako Mitra Indo Grosir Di Karawang
The objectives of this study are (1) To know, analyze and explain how the turnover of working capital and profitability in micro businesses of Indo Grosir partners in Karawang. (2) To find out, analyze and explain how the effect of working capital turnover on profitability in micro grocery businesses of Indo Grosir partners in Karawang. Through descriptive verifiability, simple regression analysis as the method with the use of quantitative research as the type of research where a total of 61 micro business partners, basic necessities, and wholesale partners in Karawang are the population of this study. 30 samples of micro food businesses were obtained by the purposive sampling method used for sampling. The results of the Descriptive Test in this study show that the working capital turnover rate in micro grocery enterprises of Indo Wholesale partners in Karawang has a fast period with the highest working capital turnover rate of 1.12. Meanwhile, the highest profitability level in micro grocery businesses of Indo Wholesale partners in Karawang is 16.93%. This is due to the low profits obtained in running the business, which affects the turnover of working capital and profitability. Partially, the results show that the profitability of micro grocery enterprises of Indo Wholesale partners in Karawang is not affected by the turnover of working capital, where the results are based on the output of verifiable tests that have been carried out on problems that have been formulated with simple linear regression analysis. The absence of influence is due to the low profits of micro-food businesses with fast working capital turnover.
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