Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to a system capable of mimicking or even exceeding human intelligence in performing specific tasks. AI has catalyzed changes across various sectors, including financial reporting. This study aims to analyze the factors influencing the implementation of AI in financial reporting for companies listed on the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII). The data utilized in this research consists of the financial statements from JII, specifically balance sheets and income statements. The study employs AI with variables such as efficiency, accuracy, and data analysis.This research is associative, utilizing a quantitative approach. The data collection technique involves documentation. Statistical analysis is employed for data analysis, and the research processes use formulas for efficiency, accuracy, and data analysis, along with the E-Views version 12 (X64) application. The study examines five companies that have published financial report data over three consecutive years. The findings reveal that: 1) The efficiency level does not significantly impact financial reporting, as evidenced by the t-test result of 0.8439, which is greater than 0.05, leading to the conclusion that H1 is rejected. 2) The accuracy level significantly affects financial reporting, demonstrated by the t-test result of 0.0089, which is less than 0.05, thus H2 is accepted. 3) The data analysis level also significantly impacts financial reporting, as shown by the t-test result of 0.0011, which is less than 0.05, concluding that H3 is accepted.
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