Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Kebutuhan Dan Utilitas Salon Muslimah
A salon exclusively for Muslim women has a black hair colouring service. There are different legal views on this matter. The salon owner allows black hair colouring as the ingredients used are considered to be in accordance with the principles of sharia. However, there are other views that prohibit black hair colouring, despite using any ingredients. The research in this article uses qualitative methods, which are used to understand and explain social phenomena or human symptoms in depth and comprehensively. The findings of this research can be used to develop a Muslimah salon that complies with Islamic principles. Services offered by Islamic-compliant salons need to align with the principles governing commercial transactions related to the exchange of services or advantages. The business operations should strictly adhere to Shariah provisions and involve a contractual agreement for buying and selling that prioritizes maslahah. Consistent with the objectives of Islamic law, known as Maqasid al-Syariah, Shariah-compliant salon services are required to contribute to the well-being of individuals by safeguarding their intellect and life. The specific requirements in Muslimah salons can be classified into three distinct criteria: essential needs (Daruriyyat), supplementary needs (Hajiyyat), and embellishment (Tahsiniyyat).
Keywords: community perception, need, utility
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