The Analysis of Students Response Towards Collaborative Pair Work in Writing Narrative Text

  • Muhammad Alfharidzi universitas PGRI silampari
  • Yousef Bani Ahmad Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
  • Mansyur Srisudarso Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang


This study was conducted to know the students’response toward collaborative writing in narrative text. The study participants were selected based on the teacher's recommendation from the computer networking class of the vocational school in Karawang's eleventh grade with six students were asked to fill the task writing narrative text, and fill the interviewees to share their opinion about writing English narrative text pair with friend. The data from observation and interviews.the result of this study is , students response to collaborative pair writing experience were mostly very positive and only 1 out 6 said that would have preferred to write individually. The learners who wrote in pairs tended to prefer this condition, because it encourage more opportunities for active in the text . However, those who wrote with pairs felt that there were more ideas and knowledge to share, and therefore more possibilities for language development.

Keywords: Collaborative Pair Work, Narrative Text, Students Response.

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