Indonesia Journal of Civic Education2024-12-31T20:21:36+00:00Ahmad Gawdy Prananosaipm2kpeijoice@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p> IJOCE: Indonesia Journal of Civic Education is published by research institute of mathematics, computer, nursering, education and economics (IPM2KPE) as the information and communication media for practitioners, researchers and academics who engaged, put interest and fully attention on civic education</p> E-LKPD dengan Pendekatan Saintifik terhadap Hasil Belajar Pendidikan Pancasila Siswa Kelas V2024-12-30T20:35:22+00:00Audia<p><em>This study aims to develop E-LKPD with a scientific approach to the learning outcomes of Pancasila education for grade V of SD Negeri 59 Lubuklinggau. The type of development used is the 4D model development (four-D model). Based on the results of research and development, shows that the development of E-LKPD with a scientific approach to Pancasila education learning for grade V of SD Negeri 53 Lubuklinggau is valid and practical. The validity of E-LKPD is shown through the results of expert validation including media experts, language experts, and material experts. Based on the validation results, it is known that E-LKPD with a scientific approach is categorized as quite good with a validity percentage of 0.76 so E-LKPD on the NKRI material is classified as quite valid. The practicality of E-LKPD is measured through a questionnaire obtained by a small group trial involving 6 students and 1 teacher categorized as very practical with a percentage of 86.30% with a high effectiveness value. The number of values that have been summarized from the assessment is 0.68 which is categorized as moderate. Conclusion, that the development of E-LKPD with a scientific approach can improve student learning outcomes in Pancasila education</em></p> <p><em> </em></p> <p><em>Keywords: E-LKPD, Scientific & Learning Outcomes</em></p> <p><em> </em></p>2024-12-30T20:32:21+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Model Pembelajaran Think Talk Write terhadap Hasil Belajar IPS Kelas V2024-12-30T20:47:05+00:00Sinta Anggrainisintaanggraini605@gmail.comAndriana Sofiarinisintaanggraini605@gmail.comAren<p><em>This study aims to determine the completeness of student learning outcomes after the implementation of the Think Talk Write Learning Model in the subject of social studies of grade V students of SD Negeri 1 Ngestiboga II. This type of research is quantitative research and the research method used is a quasi-experiment using a pre-test and post-test research design. Using essay questions totaling 15 questions, the sample of the study was class V consisting of 28 students. Data analysis techniques with the following steps: normality test, Z test. The average pre-test score is 4.470 and the average post-test score is 79.70. Based on the results of the z-test analysis, the Zcount value (71.8) and Ztable 1.64 if compared, then Zcount> Ztable. The conclusion is that the social studies learning outcomes of grade V students of SD Negeri 1 Ngestiboga II after the implementation of the Think Talk Write Learning Model are significantly complete.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Learning Outcomes, Think Talk Write, Social Studies Learning</em></p>2024-12-30T20:47:05+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Model Role Playing dalam Pembelajaran IPS pada Materi Masyarakat yang Beradab Siswa Kelas IV2024-12-30T21:00:22+00:00Krisnina Krisninakrisnina011@gmail.comViktor Pandrakrisnina011@gmail.comAren<p><em>This study aims to determine the completeness of student learning outcomes after implementing the Role Playing Model in Social Studies Learning on Civilized Society Material for Class IV of SD Negeri 57 Lubuklinggau significantly. This type of research is Quantitative research. The approach used is pre-experimental designs with one group pretest-posttest design. Based on the analysis of the initial test results (pre-test) the average value is 42.43 and for the final test (post-test) the average value is 85.33. This shows that the average post-test value is greater than the average pre-test value. After being calculated using the Z-test formula, the Zcount value = 5.27 is obtained which is compared to the Ztable value with a significance level of 0.05 is 1.64. So the Zcount value = 5.27> Ztable = 1.64 indicates that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. In conclusion, the learning outcomes of students after implementing the role-playing model in Social Studies Learning on Civilized Society Material for Class IV of SD Negeri 57 Lubuklinggau are significantly complete.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Role Playing Model, Learning Outcomes, Social Studies</em></p>2024-12-30T21:00:21+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Model Teams Games Tournament (TGT) Menggunakan Media Ular Tangga terhadap Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas V2024-12-30T21:12:27+00:00Sekarsuri Handayanihyani8222@gmail.comAren Frimahyani8222@gmail.comCahyo Dwi<p><em>This study aims to determine the completeness of the social studies learning outcomes of fifth-grade students at Talang Ubi Elementary School after the Teams Games Tournament learning model using snakes and ladders media was applied. The method used in this study was a quasi-experiment and the research subjects were fifth-grade students of Talang Ubi Elementary School. The instrument used was an essay test question. The results showed that the average Pre-Test score was 35.17. After being treated using the Teams Games Tournament learning model using snakes and ladders media, the Post-Test result was 75.4. If the hypothesis Zcount ≥ Ztable (5.97 ≥ 1.64) then Hα is accepted and Ho is rejected after the Teams Games Tournament model using snakes and ladders media was applied to the social studies learning outcomes of fifth-grade students of Talang Ubi Elementary School, it was stated that it was significantly complete.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Learning outcomes, Snakes and Ladders Media, Teams Games Tournament</em></p>2024-12-30T21:12:26+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Konsep Pemikiran Ibnu Khaldun dan Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila dalam Menanamkan Karakter Anak Usia Dini2024-12-31T20:02:52+00:00Disti<p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the concept of Ibn Khaldun's Thought and Its Relevance to the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project in Instilling Good Character in Early Childhood. The research method uses qualitative descriptive with the type or nature of library research, the technique used is that the researcher collects data related to the research in the form of books, manuscripts, articles, previous research reports, newspapers both online and offline, and so on. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the relevance of the concept of Ibn Khaldun's thought and the Pancasila Profile Strengthening Project in the Foundation Phase is that he considers character education to be an important foundation for the development of sustainable civilization. Character education must include the development of moral values, good character, critical thinking skills, and responsible leadership. In realizing good character education, all elements (Educational Institutions, families, and student environments) must be actively involved.</em></p> <p> </p> <p><em>Keywords: Ibn Khaldun's Thought, Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project (P5), Early Childhood Character</em></p>2024-12-31T20:02:51+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Model Kooperatif Tipe Group Investigation terhadap Hasil Belajar Pendidikan Pancasila Siswa Kelas IV2024-12-31T20:12:32+00:00Dinda<p><em>This study aims to determine the completeness of the learning outcomes of Pancasila education of grade IV students at SD Negeri 53 Lubuklinggau after being given a cooperative model of group investigation type. This research method uses a pre-experimental design research method with a Pre-test and Post-test experimental design. The instrument used by the researcher was in the form of multiple-choice choices totaling 16 questions. The results of the post-test evaluation showed that most students obtained adequate scores, indicating a significant increase in their understanding of the Pancasila material. The implications of this study guide students to participate actively in collaborative learning, teachers to develop teaching strategies that involve active student interaction, students to further explore collaborative learning methods, and schools to consider integrating cooperative models into the character education curriculum.</em></p> <p> </p> <p><em>Keywords: Cooperative, Group Investigation, Pancasila, Learning Outcomes</em></p>2024-12-31T20:12:31+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## LKS Berbasis Kearifan Lokal (Motif Batik Durian) pada Mata Pelajaran IPS Kelas V2024-12-31T20:21:36+00:00Dewi NuriyahDewinuriyah5@gmail.comAhmad Gawdy PrananosaDewinuriyah5@gmail.comElya<p><em>This study aims to produce a valid, practical, and effective local wisdom-based Student Worksheet (durian batik motif) in social studies subjects. This research is a development research using the 4D model. In this model there are 4 stages, namely 1) define (definition stage) 2) design (design stage) 3) develop (development stage), and 4) disseminate (dissemination stage). The subjects of this study included 3 validators (linguists, material experts, and media) as well as class teachers, VB class students in the teacher and student practicality test (small group and large group test). The data collection technique was carried out using a Likert scale questionnaire and for the large group trial a learning outcome test. Based on the results of the validation questionnaire assessment analysis carried out by the validators, it showed that the Student Worksheet that had been developed met the criteria of being very valid with a product validity score of 0.85. Meanwhile, the results of the analysis of the practicality questionnaire assessment conducted by teachers and students showed that the LKS that had been developed met the criteria of being very practical with a product practicality score of 4.75 with a maximum score of 5. Then the results of the effectiveness analysis that had been carried out with student learning outcome tests showed that the LKS met the very good category with a classical completion score of 87%. So based on these data, it can be concluded that the LKS that had been developed in this study were declared very valid, very practical, and very good so that they could be used in learning social studies subjects.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Social Studies, LKS, Development, 4D</em></p>2024-12-31T20:21:35+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##