Jurnal Kesmas Asclepius 2025-02-14T06:30:19+00:00 Padila Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal Kesmas Asclepius diterbitkan oleh Institut Penelitian Matematika, Komputer, Keperawatan, Pendidikan dan Ekonomi (IPM2KPE) sebagai media informasi dan komunikasi para praktisi, peneliti dan akademisi yang berkecimpung dan menaruh minat serta perhatian pada pengembangan ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat. Jurnal Kesmas Asclepius terbit dalam dua versi, yakni online/OJS (e-ISSN&nbsp;2684-8287 ) dan cetak (p-ISSN 2656-8926)</p> Tinjauan Post Operative Cognitive Dysfunction (POCD) pada Pasien Geriatri Pasca Anestesi: Perspektif Klinis 2025-02-01T00:50:42+00:00 Anak Agung Pranikencana Darma Putri I Made Agus Kresna Sucandra Pontisomaya Parami <p><em>This study aims to determine the incidence and characteristics of POCD in geriatric patients’ post-anesthesia at RSUP Prof. Dr. I.G.N.G. Ngoerah using a descriptive prospective method. The results showed a POCD incidence rate of 60.5%, highest among patients aged ≥70 years. Females experienced POCD more frequently (77.8%) than males (48%). POCD was most prevalent among respondents without formal education (100%). The highest incidence was found in oncology, trauma, and vascular surgeries. Based on duration, the highest POCD occurrence was in medium-duration surgeries (71.4%), followed by major (60%) and minor surgeries (50%). General anesthesia showed a higher POCD incidence (63.6%) compared to regional anesthesia (57.1%). The conclusions of this study emphasize the importance of focusing on geriatric patients, especially those aged ≥70 years, females, and certain surgery types. The implications of this study emphasize the need for safer anesthesia protocols and personalized recovery strategies to reduce the risk of POCD.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Geriatric, POCD, Post-Anesthesia.</em></p> 2025-01-24T14:40:45+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Model Evaluasi CIPP pada Program Pemberantasan Sarang Nyamuk Demam Berdarah Dengue 2025-02-01T00:44:30+00:00 Galuh Ismayanti <p><em>This study aims to determine the extent to which the implementation of the PSN program is in accordance with the planned objectives and whether the program can control the breeding of mosquito larvae so that it can reduce the number of DHF cases. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive analytical approach. The CIPP evaluation model is used to evaluate the context, input, process, and product to determine the success of the PSN program. Information was obtained from twelve informants recruited by purposive sampling. The results of the research data were collected in the form of interviews, observations, and document reviews to evaluate the Dengue Fever Mosquito Nest Eradication (PSN) program in Palembang City in 2022. In general, the PSN program has been running well but is still constrained by the budget. In addition, there is no SOP related to mosquito nest eradication and community participation is still lacking. The conclusion of this study is that the Palembang City Health Office uses the results of this study as a basis for determining budget allocations for mosquito nest eradication programs and compiling SOPs for mosquito nest eradication to facilitate the implementation of the program, by increasing coordination, participation, and community empowerment to carry out village competitions free of mosquito larvae and provide awards for villages that have been declared free of mosquito larvae by the Health Center to encourage community participation in mosquito nest eradication.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Aedes Mosquito, CIPP Evaluation, Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, PSN. </em></p> 2025-02-01T00:44:30+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengetahuan Ibu dan Dukungan Suami terhadap Rendahnya Penggunaan Kontrasepsi Intra Uterine Device (IUD) 2025-02-14T06:30:19+00:00 Sri Nowo Retno Tris Murning Wati Yuni Sulistiawati Septika Yani Veronica <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between maternal knowledge and husband's support with the use of Intra Uteri Device (IUD) contraception in the Bumi Nabung Health Center work area, Central Lampung Regency in 2024. This research method is a quantitative analytical study with a Cross Control approach. The population in this study were all Active KB Acceptors in the Bumi Nabung Health Center work area totaling 4,162, with a sample size of 192 acceptors consisting of 96 IUDs and 96 non-IUDs. Data collection using a questionnaire sheet. Univariate data analysis using frequency distrIbution, bivariate analysis using Chi Square. The results of the study showed that the frequency distrIbution of age characteristics was mostly &gt;35 years (50.5%), multiparous parity (81.3%), secondary education (47.7%) and housewives (51%). Knowledge was mostly poor (54.2%), while IUD users were sufficient (67.7%). Non-IUD husband support was not supportive (68.8%), while IUD users received support from their husbands (70.8%). There is a significant relationship between maternal knowledge and the use of IUD contraception with a p value of 0.004 and an OR value of 2.478. There is a significant relationship between husband's support and the use of IUD contraception with a p value of 0.000 and an OR value of 5.343. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the health center can prepare a health promotion program related to the use of IUDs according to the characteristics of mothers in their work area.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Husband Support, IUD, Knowledge.</em></p> 2025-02-14T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##