Budaya Sirina Pacce terhadap Self Esteem Perempuan dengan HIV/AIDS di Kota Makassar Melalui Pendekatan Transcultural Nursing
This study aims to determine the influence of siri'na pacce culture on women's self-esteem with HIV/AIDS and the factors that influence the level of self-esteem of women with HIV/AIDS in the city of Makassar. This research method is mixed-method research using a transcultural nursing approach. The study results found that all respondents still adhere to the siri'na pacce culture in their families. Based on the questionnaire data analysis, most of the respondents had moderate levels of self-esteem in their families. In conclusion, the factors that influence this are the siri'na pacce culture which is still adhered to by the Bugis Makassar community, the level of education, and the moral support obtained from the family so that women living with HIV can live everyday daily lives even though they only reveal their HIV status to their families. Closest.
Keywords: HIV/AIDS, Self Esteem, Siri'na Pacce, Transcultural Nursing
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