Terapi Murottal Meningkatkan Hormon Î’ -Endorfin dan Menurunkan Tekanan Darah Lansia
This study aims to analyze the effect of murottal therapy on β-endorphin levels and blood pressure in older people. The method used is quasi-experimental with one group pre-test and post-test design. The results showed that the β-endorphin levels in older people before the intervention had a mean value of + 349,910 pg/ml, and after the intervention, the average value was + 432,849 pg/ml (p-value = 0.001). The study's systolic and diastolic blood pressure results before and after the intervention had a p-value = 0.000. In conclusion, Murottal therapy effectively increases levels of the hormone β-endorphin and lowers blood pressure.
Keywords: Elderly, blood pressure, murottal therapy, β-endorphins
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