Upaya Meningkatkan Prestasi Siswa pada Konsep Perubahan Benda dengan Menggunakan Metode Demontrasi

  • Umi Abinarsih SD Negeri 44 Lubuklinggau


The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in student achievement on the concept of change in objects by using the demonstration method of Grade VI students at SD Negeri 44 Lubuklinggau. This study used a class action research approach. Subjects in this study were Class VI A students, as many as 32 people consisting of 22 men and 10 women. The results of this study are the implementation of learning about the concept of changing objects using the demonstration method, running according to the scenarios in the lesson plan (renpel), and have succeeded in creating a conducive learning situation where students are directly involved in the learning process, also can increase student motivation to study science which was originally considered difficult. The conclusion of this study, namely the level of student understanding of changes in objects after learning to use the demonstration method can be increased properly.

Keywords: Student Achievement, Demonstration Methods, Science Learning


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