Peningkatan Sistim Instrinsik Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Bilangan Pecahan dengan Model Manajemen Kelas Kooperatif

  • Efianti Efianti SD Negeri 20 Lebong


The aim of the study was to know the improvement of math learning achievement though cooperative classroom management model. It was a classroom action research (CAR).  The data were collected through observation. The subject was the sixth grade students consist of 10 males and 10 females. The study was conducted by quantitative approach. The result showed that the average score in the first cycle was 3 or above 6 for 45%, in the second cycle was 6.4 , in the third cycle was 7.5 with the average score above 6 reached 85%. The third cycle was complete because the average score reached 76.5 and showed the improvement.  In summary, the application of cooperative classroom management model can improve math learning achievement.

Keywords: Cooperative Classroom Management, Intrinsic System, Math Teaching


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