Pengaruh Akupresur terhadap Fatigue pada Pasien Kanker yang Menjalani Kemoterapi

  • Imam Ghozali Universitas Indonesia
  • Allenidekania Allenidekania Universitas Indonesia
  • Agung Waluyo Universitas Indonesia
  • Dewi Gayatri Universitas Indonesia


The study aims to explore the effectiveness of acupressure against fatigue in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. The method used is systematic review through the ProQuest, ScienceDirect, and Scopus databases. The results showed that from 6 articles studied showed that acupressure was effective in reducing fatigue in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. In conclusion, acupressure can reduce fatigue in induction chemotherapy.


Key Word: Acupressure, Fatigue, Chemotherapy, Cancer Patients


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