Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga dan Pengetahuan dengan Ambulasi Dini pada Pasien Post Operasi Abdomen

  • Lisnawati Rahayu Universitas Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh
  • Hilman Syarif Universitas Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh
  • Cut Husna Universitas Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh


The study's objective was to know the determinant of the early ambulation of post-abdominal surgery patients. The type of study was quantitative. It found that 171 treated post-abdominal surgery patients as samples of the Government Hospital in Pidie. To collect the data, the researcher used a questionnaire sheet to know the characteristics of patients, family support, and knowledge of the early ambulation of post-abdominal surgery patients. The analysis data were descriptive and inferential through Chi-square and binary regression logistics. It showed that family support of (p=0,000) and Knowledge of (p=0,001) related to the early ambulation of post-abdominal surgery patients. It found that regression logistics analysis showed knowledge of (p =0,009; OR: 3,694) the most dominant determinant associated with the early ambulation of post-abdominal surgery patients. The knowledge obtained by patients from nurses is closely related to the implementation of early ambulation in posr-abdominal surgery patients.  Therefore, it should increase the patient’s knowledge, and family, especially about the early ambulation of post-abdominal surgery.


Keywords   : Determinants, the early ambulation, post-surgery, abdomen


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