Pengaruh Kualitas Informasi Akun Instagram @Kotajakartapusat Terhadap Citra Pemerintah

  • Novella Spania Putri Anggraeni Universitas Telkom
  • Muhammad Al Assad Rohimakumullah Universitas Telkom Bandung


This research was conducted to determine the effect of the information quality of the @kotajakartapusat Instagram account on the image of the Central Jakarta Administrative City Government. The research method uses quantitative survey methods and this type of research is causality. Sampling used a non-probability sampling method with purposive sampling of 99 respondents. The results showed that from the results of partial hypothesis testing (T test) there was a significant effect of Information Quality (X) Instagram account @kotajakartapusat on the City Administration City Government's Image (Y) significantly by tcount 9.382 ≥ 1.985 ttable value and significance value 0.000 ≤ 0.05 , this means that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. The conclusion of the study is that the influence of the information quality of the Instagram @kotajakartapusat account is very good on the image of the central Jakarta administrative city government..   Keywords: Central Jakarta Administration City Government, Image,  Information Quality, Instagram


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