Linguistic, English Education and Art (LEEA) Journal 2024-06-23T10:57:26+00:00 Ahmad Gawdy Prananosa Open Journal Systems <p>Linguistic, English Education and Art (LEEA) Journal is published by IPM2KPE as an information and communication media for practitioners, researchers and academics who are interested in the field of Linguistic, English Education, and Art by using quantitative, qualitative &amp; mix-method. Linguistic, English Education and Art (LEEA) Journal published every June and December (Twice a year) in two versions, printed (p-ISSN 2597-9248) Online (e-ISSN 2597-3819)</p> Analysis of New Trends in Online Translations based on Student’s Perspective : Advantages and Disadvantages 2024-02-15T11:57:35+00:00 Shally Amna Dian Christina Annisha Dyuli Adha Wienda Gusta <p>The use of Online translation (OT) for doing English assignments is now inevitable. Teachers neither can prevent their students to use OT nor can supervise it when all of the learning process has been running online from home to home. Therefore, both teachers and students should bring out the advantages of OT to improve English competence and to reduce the disadvantages of using OT. This study is aimed to investigate the students’ perspectives of using OT for doing English assignments and to describe the advantages and disadvantages of OT. The study is presented in descriptive qualitative design. The data collection instruments are questionnaires and open-ended questions. The participants are 198 students of Information system department, University of Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang. The findings of this study showed that for about 80% of English students depend their English assignments on OT. Based on the EFL students’ perspective, the advantages of using OT are time saver and instant results and the disadvantages of using OT are inaccuracy in the results relate to cultural context, idiom, sentences with metaphor and pragmatic aspects for learning the structure of English language. The study proposes some ideas for teachers to teach their students strategies and guidance for using OT properly and to avoid making mistakes.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>Key words: </em></strong><em>Online Translation,&nbsp; English Assignment, Advantages, and Disadvantages, Pragmatics.</em></p> 2024-02-15T11:57:35+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Investigating Students' Anxiety on the Use of Grammar in Vocational High Schools 2024-05-07T23:46:58+00:00 Citra Putri Ananda Herlina Rufitriansyah Sabilla Aprilia Zulfah Tri Wintolo Apoko <p>This study aims to discover how students experienced their learning anxiety in using English grammar in vocational high schools. This study used a descriptive quantitative method with 36 vocational high students of the eleventh grade in the areas of West Java and Jakarta as the participants in which the data include the participants' perspectives on their learning anxiety of grammar use in English learning. Based on the results, as many as 15% of students experienced a lack of motivation, 49% experienced insecurity, and 37% of students did not understand English grammar. As a result, students experienced significant learning anxiety while using the English language in a discourse without having a strong command of the language. It is then recommended that this study enable vocational high school students and teachers to find solutions to anxiety about using English in order that students can learn English grammar without anxiety or having fears.</p> <p>Keywords: Anxiety; English Learning; Grammar Use; Vocational High School</p> 2024-05-07T23:46:58+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## English Language Learning Through The Use of Digital Technology: A Literature Review 2024-05-22T04:46:02+00:00 Cyntia Lady Indriani Abdul Muth’im Emma Rosana Febriyanti <p>This research aims to evaluate the impact of digital technology on English language learning by synthesizing findings from various studies to understand its role in enhancing language skills. This review explores the potential of digital resources such as games, mobile applications, and online platforms in improving writing skills, particularly in higher education contexts. The research method is inspired by socio-cultural, cognitive, and constructivist theories, focusing on the complex interaction between technology and language acquisition, with notable achievements in pronunciation training and chat platforms. The research findings indicate that this review supports cautious optimism, encouraging educators to integrate technology wisely in line with pedagogical principles. The conclusion is a balanced approach that leverages the strengths of technology to create more meaningful and effective English language learning experiences for all learners.</p> <p>Keywords: Digital Literacy; Digital Technology; English Language Learning; Language Acquisition; Pedagogical Integration</p> 2024-05-07T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Development of Learning Media Autoplay Studio 8 Favorite Animal Material for Class III SD/MI 2024-06-15T06:30:20+00:00 Fajarisman Fajarisman Nostalgianti Citra Prystiananta Fitria Nur Hamidah Ana Ariama <p>Media is a teaching aid to convey messages to students during the learning process. The aim of the research is to develop Autoplay Studio 8 Media to find out the validity, practicality and effectiveness of Autoplay Studio 8 based learning media to overcome boredom in learning. This research adopted the Borg and Gall model with 10 stages which were made into 7 stages to develop English language learning media for class III with a total of 20 students at SD Negeri 3 Kandang Kapongan Situbondo. The material content is 98% and the presentation is 85% so that a total of 91% is in the very decent category. For media experts, there are several aspects that are assessed, including appearance (83%), menu (80%), coloring (73%), font (83%), implementation (83%), and a total of 81%. which is included in the very feasible category. Validation by educators who assessed several aspects of the curriculum was 93%, content was 85%, and media was 88%. If added up, the overall result is 88% in the very suitable category, while the results tested on media students are 90%, the material aspect is 90%, and the benefits aspect is 86%, so it is collected. The total is 90% so that the learning media using Autoplay Studio 8 with animal love material is suitable for use in learning activities, especially in class III elementary school, which is very helpful for explaining more in depth and can be developed in the form of smartphone software to be more effective and efficient.</p> <p>Keywords<em>: Autoplay Studio 8, Love Animal, SD/MI</em></p> 2024-05-08T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Scattergories Game on Junior High School Students’ Vocabulary Mastery in Language Learning 2024-06-15T06:39:24+00:00 Dwi Liza Anggraini Maryati Salmiah <p>This article aims to determine the effect of using Scattergories Game on students' vocabulary mastery. The method used is a pre-experimental design with a quantitative approach. The population that was the research subject was 8th grade students at one of the MTs in Sampali. Consisting of 30 students in it. The researcher gave a pre-test - treatment – post-test to all samples to collect the required data. After that, the data was processed using the T-test in SPSS. The result showed that there is a significant influence between variable X on variable Y and decision making because sig .000 &lt;0.05 and the average score on the post test (25.36) was higher than pre-test (13.63). From the results of data processing carried out by researchers, it can be concluded that the Scattergories game has an effect on students' vocabulary mastery</p> <p><em>Keywords<strong>:</strong> </em>Effect, Scattergories Game, Vocabulary Mastery</p> 2024-05-08T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Code Mixing in Ali and Ratu Ratu Queens (2021): Sociolinguistics Study 2024-06-18T08:35:28+00:00 Zakia Farah Oktofiani Deden Novan Setiawan Nugraha <p>The research aims to identify the types of code-mixing and the factors that affect the use of code-mixing in the movie Ali and Ratu Ratu Queens (2021) by analyzing the characters' dialogues. The research uses qualitative analysis to determine the types and factors of code mixing contained in the dialogues of the characters in the film. The findings of this study indicate types of code mixing according to Hoffman's theory–such as intra-lexical code-mixing, intra-sentential code-mixing, and involving a change of pronunciation–have appeared several times in the movie. In conclusion, the research underscores the complexity of code mixing in multilingual contexts portrayed in the movie, providing insights for further sociolinguistic studies.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>Bilingualism, Code Mixing, Movie, Sociolinguistics</em></p> 2024-05-19T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Lexical Relations in Joe Biden's Speech about Plan to Lower Prescription Drugs Cost: Semantics Study 2024-06-18T09:12:13+00:00 Sefina Putri Miharsa Heri Heryono <p>The purpose of this research is to analyze the types of lexical relations and the types of meanings of lexical relations that appear in Joe Biden's Speech about the plan to reduce prescription drug prices. The method used in this research is qualitative method. The results of this research show that there are eight types of lexical relations and three types of semantic meanings; the types of lexical relations show that from 30 data that have been analyzed, eight synonym data (26.7%), ten antonym data (33.3%), three meronym data (10%), two polysemy data (6.7%), two hyponym data (6.7%), two member-collection data (6.7%), two portion-mass data (6.7%), and one homonym data (3.3%). Meanwhile, the types of semantic meanings found from 60 data that have been analyzed are 51 data of literal meaning (85%), 5 data of semi-idiomatic meaning (8.3%), and 4 data of fully idiomatic meaning (6.7%). Therefore, it can be concluded that the type of lexical relations that appears the most is antonyms at 33.3% and that the most common type of meaning is literal meaning, which is 85%.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong><em>Lexical relations, Semantics, Speech</em></p> 2024-05-19T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## EFL Students’ Difficulties in Writing Thesis 2024-06-20T07:14:00+00:00 Ayu Oktaviani Citra Raflesia Yulfi Yulfi <p>The objective of this research was to investigate EFL students’ difficulties in writing their thesis. This research used qualitative approach. The English Education Study Program of UNPARI students which still doing a thesis took part in this research as subject of the research. The data were collected by asking the students to fill out the questionnaires and being interviewed afterward. In analyzing data, it was done by checking the students’ answer in the questionnaire, classifying the students’ answers, describing the data and concluding the results. The result showed that there were several internal factors of EFL students’ difficulties in writing a thesis. In internal factors are difficulty in choosing the title of the thesis, feel are not sure (pessimistic), bored or saturated, doubtful or pessimistic, fears or worries, having a health problem or down while working on the thesis. Other factors are students' ability in understanding the systematics of writing the thesis, tending to use translation tools, lack og grammar and vocabulary, spelling, and punctuation in writing the thesis correctly. While, external factors were having communication problems with supervisors and supervisors’ writing, have difficulty in finding references related to thesis titles in the internet, there are no complete reference sources and no free access to digital libraries on campus, having technical problems on devices, have financial problems, personal problems, surrounding environment is not/less conducive. The researchers hope the result of this research will become important considerations for lecturers in advising their students especially in writing their thesis.</p> <p>Keywords<strong>:</strong> <em>Difficulties, EFL Students, Thesis, Writing</em></p> 2024-05-19T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Use of Technology in English Language Learning: Challenges and Benefits 2024-06-20T07:37:41+00:00 Nadia Mayang Sari Mukhlash Abrar <p style="margin-left: 40.5pt; text-align: justify; text-justify: inter-ideograph;">The integration of technology in English language learning has gained significant attention due to its potential to enhance learning experiences and outcomes. However, its implementation also poses various challenges that need to be addressed. This study aims to explore the major challenges faced by teachers and students in integrating technology into English language learning classrooms, as well as the potential benefits it offers. A mixed-methods approach was employed, combining quantitative data from pre- and post-tests and qualitative data from classroom observations, interviews, and questionnaires. The findings reveal significant challenges, including limited access to technology, lack of digital literacy, and pedagogical considerations. Conversely, the benefits encompass increased motivation, exposure to authentic language resources, personalized learning, and multimodal experiences. By understanding these challenges and leveraging the advantages, educators and stakeholders can make informed decisions and implement effective strategies to optimize technology integration in language classrooms, ultimately enhancing learning experiences and outcomes.</p> 2024-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Optimizing Students' Speaking Ability Using Padlet in Giving Opinion at Indonesian Junior High School: A Classroom Action Research 2024-06-20T08:52:13+00:00 Aini Laily Naja Dangin Dangin <p>This study aims to determine the impact and perceptions of students in English speaking skills, especially giving opinions via Padlet. This study was conducted at Indonesian Junior High School with 20 students as respondents. Data has been obtained using qualitative descriptive methods. Qualitative data has been obtained from interviews, pre-tests, and post-test. To solve the problem, the study has carried out Class Action Research (CAR) which consists of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The test only given to students. The result of the study showed that Paddlet has positive impact on students’ speaking ability. It reveals increase about 21.15% from the pre-test. It can be concluded that optimizing students’ speaking ability using Padlet in giving opinion can be an alternative of effective teaching ways. &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p><em>Keywords:</em> CAR, Padlet, Speaking Ability</p> 2024-06-05T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Exploring Discovery Learning Applied in English Language Teaching of Higher Education 2024-06-20T10:26:37+00:00 Andhi Dwi Nugroho Johanes Climacus Setyo Karjono Isti'anatul Hikmah Rr. Hasti Robiasih Ani Fiani <p>The study aims at exposing the discovery learning applied at high education. The study applies descriptive qualitative design applying phenomenology. The subjects in this study were 3 lecturers of a private university in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The data were gained from interviews and documentations. The data are analyzed using triangulation involving data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusion. The analysis results show that there are benefits and challenges of discovery learning applied in higher education. In conclusion, discovery learning has been one of alternative teaching ways in higher education.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> discovery learning, English language teaching, higher education</p> 2024-06-10T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## An Analysis of Jargon used by Asian Comic Writers 2024-06-23T09:48:46+00:00 Ignasius De Igo Nilan Agustinus Hary Setyawan <p>This research aims to find out the jargon used by comic writers as a social group. This research was applying the qualitative descriptive method to collect data. The method used to analyze the meaning and function of jargon is descriptive analysis which is visible in each paragraph. Collecting data was carried out by finding out the jargon on Asian comics such as manga, manhwa, and manhua on the website. The results of this research show the meaning and function of jargon used by comic writers. Jargon is a variety of language which is used by certain social groups or professions and is not understood by other groups. Research regarding the use of jargon in Asian comics can be conclude that jargon is used by comic writers to describe their work. The jargon found is in the form of words, phrases, acronyms, and abbreviations. The function of jargon used by comic writers is to identify and describe the word. This research proves that the use of jargon is not only in other communities but also in the comic writing community. The weakness of this research is that some comics still use Chinese, Korean, and Japanese terms. This is because there are no equivalent English words that is suitable to describe it. The words are dantian, qi, and mana. &nbsp;Researcher hope this writing can be a reference for future researchers to do a researching in other aspects of comics relate with linguistics or language learning media.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Asian Comics, Comics Writer, Jargon, Language Variety, Sociolinguistic</p> 2024-06-23T09:48:46+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Portofolio Assessment in EFL Writing Context in Indonesia: A Systematic Literature Review 2024-06-23T10:12:15+00:00 Septiya Yuza Pupung Purnawarman Didi Sukyadi <p>Portfolio assessment has been the focus of several EFL classroom research studies. However, this study is carried out to explore the development, implementation and both teachers and students’ perceptions of portfolio assessment at university and school level in Indonesian EFL writing context. Five hundred and Fifty-Five (n=555) journal articles were searched through different search engines, only thirty-seven (n=37) recent and relevant publications published between years 2012 to 2022 were met the criteria and included in this study and remaining are excluded. Among inclusions, there were twenty-one (n=21) qualitative research, twelve (n=12) quantitative, two (n=2) mix-mode, and two (n=2) review paper. The overall respondents of the studies were one thousand and fifty (n=1050). The findings of this research reveal that the use of portfolio assessment for assessing student writing had a significant positive effect and was able to improve students' writing skills. In accordance with their perceptions, both teachers and students responded well to portfolio assessment. They agreed that it is essential to use this portfolio for writing in the EFL classroom since it generates substantial results throughout the writing process. Then, the development of the assessment portfolio in Indonesia has continued to progress in parallel with technological advances.&nbsp;The portfolio assessment tool, which is typically a paper-based&nbsp;portfolio, has started to transform into electronic portfolio. By using e-portfolios, both students and teachers may evaluate writing more flexibly via digital platforms that are accessible anytime and anywhere.</p> <p>Keywords: EFL, E-Portfolio Assessment, Indonesia, Portfolio Assessment, Writing.</p> 2024-06-23T10:12:15+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Exploring Indonesian College Students' Levels and Factors of English Speaking Anxiety 2024-06-23T10:57:26+00:00 Rheina Elsa br Sebayang Dangin Dangin <p>This study was aimed to investigate the level of anxiety about speaking English among students in Indonesia and examines the contributing factors. Using a survey research design, this research integrates descriptive statistical analysis with additional interviews to enrich and supporting the data collected. The participants consisted of 60 fifth semester psychology students. Data collection involved the use of a Likert scale questionnaire to categorize responses. The results revealed a spectrum of speaking anxiety levels among students: the majority (53.33%) showed high levels of anxiety, 20% reported quite high levels of anxiety, 8.33% experienced moderate levels of anxiety, and 3.33% showed very low levels of anxiety. .Analysis of these findings shows a trend of high speaking anxiety among the participants. This anxiety is influenced by various factors, including lack of self-confidence, fear of being judged, grammatical inaccuracies, and an unsupportive environment.</p> <p><strong>Key Words: </strong>English, Speaking anxiety</p> 2024-06-23T10:57:26+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##