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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Science and Physics Education Journal menerima naskah ilmiah dalam bidang yang berkaitan dengan Sains dan Pendidikan Fisika

  • Naskah ilmiah tidak mengandung unsur plagiarisme. Naskah juga harus memenuhi pedoman penulisan naskah dan belum pernah atau tidak dalam proses publikasi pada media lain, baik cetak maupun elektronik.

Author Guidelines




First Author1, Next Author2, Last Author3

Full name of author separated by comma (Times New Roman, 10)

1The name of institution of each author (Times New Roman, 10)

Email address is only for first author or corresponding author (Times New Roman, 10)

Abstract: All information about the formatting requirements is contained in this document. Please review it carefully. You may use the document as a template and copy/paste your paper content here – this is probably the easiest option. Several styles have been included in this template to facilitate formatting – you may find it easier to use them instead of formatting each segment differently.  Note that it is important to adhere to the requirements exactly, as this will form the camera-ready version that will be used to produce the Proceedings. The limitations on the length of the document are as follows. The abstract should not exceed 150 words; further, the title, authors, abstract, keywords, and references are excluded from (but all text, figures, tables, and appendices are included in) the overall page counts given next. The number of page of each paper is one (1) page. (Times New Roman, 10)


Abstrak: Semua informasi tentang persyaratan dan format ada dalam template ini. Bacalah secara teliti dan mohon diperhatikan jangan mengubah format. Naskah yang tidak sesuai format dapat ditolak untuk dipublikasikan. Agar sama dengan format ini, Anda kami sarankan untuk melakukan copy bagain per bagian dari makalah yang sudah anda siapkan dan menempelkan/paste pada bagian template yang sesuai. Maksimum abstrak adalah 150 kata, dan maksimum halaman untuk setiap makalah adalah satu (1).  (Times New Roman, 10)

Key words: maximum 5 key words, separated by comma


Your final purpose is writing journal based on standard of SPEJ Journal guidelines. (Times New Roman, 12)

The article is prepared in softcopy of A4 paper format. The margin including top: 3 cm, bottom: 2.6 cm, left: 3.6 cm and right: 2.2 cm. The length of column on A4 is 8.6 cm. The width of column is 0.8 cm. The indent of paragraph is 0.5 cm.

Type of font and font size: follow the rule in Table 1. Beware to font size, 1 point is about 0.35 mm. The font size of small ”j” as basic standard font size. Times New Roman is suggested in this article.  

Every column is justify. Use table and picture by adjusting the lenght of column. On the last page of your article, customize the length and width. Use hyphen automatically and check spelling. 


  1. Picture and Table

The picture and table position is in the beginning or the end of column. Avoid middle placing. Big picture and table could be zoom out in two column. The title of picture is placed below the picture and center; the title of table is placed above the table and justify. Avoid placing picture and table before mentioned in the text. Label of coordinate axis in graph picture is often confusing. Please use word than symbol. For example, write ”Magnetization”  or ”Magnetization (M)” than only write ”M”. Put the unit in parentheses. Do not give label in coordinate axis only by using unit. For example, write “Magnetization (A/m)” or “Magnetization (Aâ‹…m1).” Do not give lael in the axis coordinate by ratio or quantity and unit. For example, write “Temperature (K),” not “Temperature/K.”

The symbol of  multiplication could be confusing. Write “Magnetization (kA/m)” or “Magnetization (103 A/m).” The label of picture must be readable, The font size is 10-point.


Tabel 1. The Example of Table Format






Description 1



Description 2



Description 3



Description 4



Description 5





Gambar 1. The example of spectrum coefficient absorption of semi conductor organic material

  1. References

References and quotation use parentheses (Name, year), for example: (Diani, 2015), (Sugiyono, 2011),  (Saregar, 2016),  (Honeycutt, 2011), for published article in other language journal, provide Indonesian quotation then followed by its publish language [6].

  1. Acronym and abbreviation

Please define abbreviation and acronym at the first time in the text, even if they have defined in abstract. Abbreviation such as  IEEE, SI, MKS, CGS, ac, dc, dan rms is not defined. Don’t use abbreviation on the title except you cannot avoid it.

  1. Equation

Equation numbering is written sequentially, by writing equation numbering in parentheses and align text right, for example (1). For writing quantity and variable use Italic Roman symbol. Use dash (-) for minus. Use parantheses ( ) for numerator or fraction to avoid misunderstanding. Use comma in equation if the equation is in the sentence. For example (1): 


If the equation above is mentioned in sentence, just write “(1),” or “equation (1),” except in the in the beginning of sentence is not written by using comma after parenthese. For example “Equation (1) is…”

  1. Others

The usage of Roman numeric sign for numbering chapter or sub chapter is optional. If using Roman numeric sign, references and acknowledgment also subtitle or sub chapter do not put letter. Double space is used to separate each chapter. Use hyphen for word modification: ”zero-field-cooled magnetitation”, avoid irregular sentence formation like ´by using (1), the potential difference have counted”, it is better to write ” the potential difference have counted by using equation (1),” or ”by equation (1), we count potential difference”.  

Do not write decimal number ”,25”. Use Zero number before point for writing decimal number: ”0,25”. Use “cm3,” not ”cc”. Do not combine word with abbreviation in writing physical magnitude, for example “weber/m2” better “Wb/m2”. Use word when writing physical magnitude unit in sentence: ”some henry


Please use the internasional system of unit (MKS) or CGS as dimension unit (SI Unit). Quantities system of English could be used as secondary quantity which is written in parentheses.

Please avoid using SI and CGS in the same time, for example electric current scale is ampere and magnetic field is oersted. It would be mistake because the dimension is not appropriate. State clearly the unit which is used in quantity of SI units or CGS.   


The most common mistakes is subscript on the quantity of vacuum permeability, for example it must be written by using zero (0) not ”o”. Using foreign prefix ”non” si not separated by next word. 


Provide several examples which is mostly used in internasional journals. Please adjust as authors’ needed.


Article of Journal:

Diani, R. (2015). Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelaran Fisika Berbasis Pendidikan Karakter Dengan Model Problem Basen Instruction. Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Al-Biruni, 2(1), 231-241.


Sugiyono. (2011). Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung: Alfabeta.

Compilation Book (edited book):

Prasad, A. S. Clinical and Biochemical Spectrum of Zinc Deficiency in Human Subjects, In: A. S. Prasad, Ed., Clinical, Biochemical and Nutritional Aspects of Trace Elements, Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York, 1982, pp. 5-15.

Skripsi/ Dissertation/Thesis, published

Wahyuni, S. Y. 2009. Pengembangan uji kompetensi mandiri berbasis computer untuk meningkatkan efikasi diri siswa (Doctoral dissertatation). Diperoleh dari nama data base

Skripsi/Dissertation/Thesis, Unplublished

Kuntoro, T. H. 2007. Pengembangan kurikulum pelatihan magang di SMK :Suatu studi berdasarkan dunia usaha (Unpublished Doctoral dissertation). Program PascaSarjana UNNES, Semarang.


Honeycutt, L. (2011, Maret). Communication and Design Course. Retrieved from http://dcr.rpi.edu/commdesign/class1.html.


Depdikbud. 2013. Permendikbud Nomor 66 Tahun 2013 tentang Standar Penilaian. Jakarta: Departemen Pen­didikan dan Kebudayaan.



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