Teacher’s Corrective Feedback in Students’ Short Dialogue at the Eleventh Grade Of SMAN 1 X Koto in Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Rianto Rianto Universitas Islam Negeri Bukittinggi
  • Monalisa Oktavialis Universitas Islam Negeri Bukittinggi
  • Veni Roza Universitas Islam Negeri Bukittinggi


This research was due to find out some problem related to speaking activity. There were some problems found on the field related to corrective feedback used by teacher in students’ short coversation. Teacher used corrective feedback for treating students’ mistakes. The Aim of this research was to analyze kinds of corrective feedback used by English teacher to treat Students’ mistake on Students’ short conversation at SMAN 1 X KOTO.The Design of this research was descriptive qualitative research. The Research was conducted at XI.MIA.1 of SMAN 1 X KOTO. This Research involved all members of students in the class as the supporting informant, then English Teacher of XI.MIA.1 as the key informant of this research. The instrumentation of this research used observation, interview and documentation. The observation was conducted by using observation sheet. Then, the interview was conducted for the students and English teacher. After that the researcher took documentation such as students’ speaking activity and the correction given by the teacher.The finding of this research is English teacher used kinds of corrective feedback to treat student’s mistake on short conversation. Teacher used clarification request and explicit corrective feedback to treat students’ mistake. Teacher gave corrective feedback at the end of speaking activity

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