Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Snowball Throwing terhadap Hasil Belajar PKN Siswa Kelas V

  • Novera Putri Aulia Universitas PGRI Silampari
  • Ahmad Gawdy Prananosa Universitas PGRI Silampari
  • Aren Frima Universitas PGRI Silampari


This study aims to determine whether applying the snowball-throwing learning model can complete the learning outcomes of students in grade V of SD Negeri 23 Lubuklinggau. This type of research is quantitative with a quasi-experimental method. Based on the results of the study showed that the average pre-test score was 44.00. After the Snowball Throwing learning model was applied to the material of community harmony and the benefits of unity and oneness in PKN lessons, the post-test results showed an average score of 85.35 and the number of completions reached 85%. If the hypothesis Zcount> Ztable (5.97> 1.64) with a confidence level of α = 0.05 which means Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, then the average value of the learning outcomes of students in grade V of SD Negeri 23 Lubuklinggau after the Snowball Throwing learning model was applied significantly completed.


Keywords: Learning Outcomes, Elementary School, Snowball Throwing


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