Isometric Handgrip Exercise terhadap Perubahan Tekanan Darah pada Lansia dan Perempuan Menopause dengan Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Desy Haslyanti Puskesmas Bukit Sangkal Palembang
  • Lisda Maria Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Mitra Adiguna Palembang


This study aims to determine the effect of isometric handgrip exercise on the elderly and postmenopausal women with rheumatoid arthritis in hypertensive patients accompanied by rheumatoid arthritis. This research method is a quantitative study with a quasi-experimental design and a control group approach to pretest and posttest design. The sampling technique used in this study is nonprobability sampling. The results showed a difference in the mean difference between the elderly and menopausal women with systolic rheumatoid arthritis pre-day one and post-day 5 in the intervention and control groups (p-value = 0.000) and diastolic blood pressure (p-value = 0.015). In conclusion, isometric handgrip exercise (IHG) affects changes in blood pressure in hypertensive patients accompanied by rheumatoid arthritis.

 Keywords: Hypertension, Isometric Handgrip Exercise, Rheumatoid Arthritis


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