Tingkat Kepuasan Keluarga Pasien Rawat Inap Peserta Program BPJS Kesehatan Berdasarkan Status Kepesertaan
This study aims to determine the difference in the level of family satisfaction of BPJS PBI and non-PBI patients in the inpatient room at Mutiara Sukma Hospital, NTB. This research is a quantitative research using a cross-sectional approach. The results of this study indicate that there is no difference in the level of family satisfaction of BPJS PBI and BPJS non-PBI patients. Based on the IKM value, the level of family satisfaction of non-PBI BPJS patients is higher than that of BPJS PBI. Still, based on statistical tests using Mann-Whitney, it shows that there is no significant difference between family satisfaction of BPJS PBI patients and BPJS non-PBI patients (p = 0.698). In conclusion, overall, there is no difference in the level of family satisfaction of BPJS PBI and non-PBI patients.
Keywords: BPJS, Health Insurance, Satisfaction
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