Integrasi Pendidikan Karakter dalam Pembelajaran Al-Quran

  • Muspirawati Muspirawati IAIN Curup
  • Ahmad Dibul Amda Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN), Curup
  • Hasep Saputra Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup


This study aims to observe and analyze the integration of character education in learning the Qur'an and hadith at MTsN 1 Musi Rawas Utara. This type of research is field research, while the approach used is through a qualitative approach. The qualitative approach in this study is to match the empirical reality with the applicable theory by using a descriptive method. The results of the study obtained information that the integration of character education at MTsN 1 Musi Rawas Utara was carried out by planning, implementing, and assessing. In the search results, it can be seen that all character values ​​are integrated in the lesson plan for learning Al-Quran Hadith at MTsN 1 Musi Rawas Utara, then also integrated into the learning process of Al-Quran Hadith at MTsN 1 Musi Rawas Utara by the subject teacher. In conclusion, the integration of character education in learning the Qur'an and hadith for students at MTsN 1 Musi Rawas Utara has gone through planning, implementation and assessment, and has been integrated in the lesson plan and has been implemented by subject teachers.

Keywords: Learning integration, Al-Quran Hadith Learning, Character Education.


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