Kemampuan Akademik Peserta Ujian Kompetensi Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan

  • Fransiskus Korosando Universitas Flores
  • Maggu Ngguna Raji Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar


This research aims to describe the parameters of the question item in the instrument of the eye competency exam of the training of package A and package B, as well as to describe the ability of the competency test participants of vocational school students in Ende Regency. This research uses a type of quantitative research with an ex-post facto approach. The data is obtained by documentation technique, which is to quote the test takers' answers on the answer sheet, and analyzed using a classic test theory approach. The results of the analysis showed that the accounting training eye test devices of Package A and Package B most of the problem items prepared did not meet the "moderate" difficulty level criteria. The power of the dominant item is "ugly", and the picker does not function effectively. Based on the analysis of capabilities, it can be concluded that the competency of the students of the smk accounting training in Ende district has not reached the expected competency. 

Keywords: Academic Ability, Ability, Competency Test  


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