Pemanfaatan Youtube Sebagai Sumber Belajar Fisika

  • Elce Purwandari Institut Agama Islam Al Azhaar Lubuklinggau


The purpose of this study was to determine the use of YouTube as a source of physics learning for high school (SMA) students in Lubuklinggau Timur District 1. The method, this research was an exploratory survey research, which used questionnaires as instruments for data collection and descriptive statistical data analysis techniques. The sample in this study were 294 respondents, the sample was taken by accidental sampling technique. Research results, more than half of respondents use YouTube as a learning resource in learning Physics, with details 66% using YouTube as an additional learning source, 82% uses YouTube for task completion and 72% uses YouTube as a means of entertainment and information. Conclusion, YouTube is currently one of the alternative media that is widely used by most students as an additional learning resource, helping with task completion and as a means of information and entertainment which is also supported by the provision of internet facilities by schools.

 Keywords: Learning Resources, Physics and YouTube


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