Meningkatkan Ketrampilan Guru dalam Menyusun Perangkat Pembelajaran melalui Training Perangkat Pembelajaran

  • Farida Ariani SD Negeri 46 Rejang Lebong


The purpose of this study is to improve teacher skills in developing learning tools. This research method is classroom action research. The results of the first cycle to further improve teacher skills in developing learning tools. In the first cycle, the teacher had begun to understand and was able to arrange the learning kit even though it was not maximal because the scores obtained from observations were 106 with a maximum score criterion 168 The completeness criterion was 75% of the total score which was 126 which meant the teacher's skills in preparing the learning device were sufficient well. In cycle II, the teacher has begun to understand and is able to compile the learning tools and is maximized because the score obtained from observations is 163 with a maximum score criterion of 168, the completeness criterion is 75% of the total score of 126. It was concluded that the teacher's skills in compiling the devices learning has been very good in compiling syllabi, compiling annual programs, and semester programs.

Keywords: Teacher Skills, Training, Learning Tools


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