Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran IPA Materi Sumber Energi melalui Penerapan Metode Kontekstual

  • Kusmiadi Kusmiadi SD Negeri 46 Rejang Lebong


The purpose of this study is to improve the quality of science learning material about the energy sources of fourth grade students at SD Negeri 46 Rejang Lebong in the academic year 2019/2020. In the first cycle the teacher has implemented applying the contextual method well and the results of the quality of student learning in cycle I have not yet reached an ideal improvement. Then a revision is needed to improve the deficiencies in the first cycle, but what needs to be considered for further action is to maximize and maintain what is already there with the aim that in the implementation of the next teaching and learning process, the application of applying contextual methods can improve the teaching and learning process so that learning objectives can reached. In cycle II, what has been done well and what is still not well done in the teaching and learning process is the application of contextual methods. From the data that has been obtained can be described as follows: 1) during the teaching and learning process the teacher has carried out all learning well; 2) based on observational data it is known that students are active during the learning process; 3) Deficiencies in the previous cycles have experienced improvements and improvements so that it becomes better; 4) The results of the quality of student learning in cycle II achieve an ideal improvement. In cycle II the teacher has applied the contextual method well and seen from the observation of student activities and student learning outcomes implementation in the teaching and learning process has been going very well. So there is no need for too many revisions, but what needs to be considered for further action is to maximize and maintain what is already there with the aim that in the implementation of teaching and learning, furthermore the application of contextual methods can improve the learning process so that learning objectives can be achieved.


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