Peningkatan Hasil Belajar PAI Menggunakan Metode The Learning Cell pada Materi Menceritakan Kisah Nabi

  • Marhadi Marhadi SDN 46 Rejang Lebong


This study aims to determine the application of The Learning Cell method on subjects PAI material tells the story of the Prophet can improve the learning achievement of fifth grade students at SD Negeri 46 Rejang Lebong District Selupu Rejang Rejang Lebong District. This study is a classroom action research (CAR) with a total of 16 students. The results of the study showed that in the first cycle the average score of students was 71.25 which increased by 11.64. Students who scored above KKM also increased to 9 children or 56.75% from the original only 2 children or 87.5%. In the second cycle improvement the average formative test scores of students were 82.81 increasing by 11.56 from the first cycle. Students who scored above the specified score (KKM) were 11 children or 68.75%. It can be concluded, the learning cell method can improve student learning outcomes on material telling the story of the prophet.

Keywords: Learning Achievement, The Learning Cell.


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