Analisis Efektivitas Build Up Timnas Indonesia di Asean Mitsubishi Electric Cup 2024
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the build up of the Indonesian national team at the Asean Mitsubishi Electic Cup 2024 and as a recommendation for coaches and players to implement a build up strategy in the future. This research method is quantitative research, with a descriptive approach method. The population used is the entire Indonesian national team match, the research technique is watching live recordings or videos of matches. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the build up from various areas is as follows: from the left side, there were 23 successful build up attempts with a percentage of 116% and those that failed were 67%. Meanwhile, from the center area, there were 18 build up attempts that succeeded 100% and those that failed 67%. On the right side, build ups were recorded as many as 14 attempts, with a success percentage of 39% and failure of 50%. Conclusion, the Indonesian national team was more effective in building up from the left side, which managed to utilize the left side of the field well to build attacks.
Keywords: Build up, Failure, Effectiveness, Success
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