Evaluasi Pembinaan Prestasi Tenis Lapangan

  • Maulidin Maulidin Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika
  • Herman Syah Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika
  • Elya Wibawa Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika


This study aims to evaluate the performance development of Mataram City PELTI tennis athletes both exogenously and endogenously from athletes, coaches, facilities, and infrastructure as well as the level of readiness of Mataram City PELTI athletes. This research method is descriptive with the survey method. The instrument used is a questionnaire consisting of 80 questions with a Guttman scale. The results of the research of the administrators and trainers of the Mataram City Pelti seen from exogenous factors fall into the "Good" category. Meanwhile, endogenous factors fall into the "moderate" category. And in terms of athletes seen from exogenous factors included in the "medium" category. Meanwhile, the endogenous factors are in the "Good" category. In conclusion, the achievement development of the Mataram City PELTI tennis field based on the point of view of the administrators/coaches and athletes is in the "medium" category.

Keywords: Evaluation, PELTI Mataram City


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