Pengaruh Latihan Drills For Gamelike Situation dan Drills Under Simplified Conditions terhadap Kemampuan Smash Bola Voli
This study aims to see the influence of two treatment groups, namely Drills for Game-Like Situation and Drills Under Simplified Conditions, on volleyball smash ability. The results showed that Drills for Game-Like Situation had a significant influence on smash ability. There was an increase in average from pretest 1.8 to posttest 2.4 with a difference of 0.6. Drills for Game-Like Situations and Drills Under Simplified Conditions also significantly affect the smash ability of athletes. The average score of the pretest was 1.8, and the posttest became 2.2 with a difference of 0.4. The increase in smash ability was higher in the drills for gamelike situation training group, which was 33.3%, while Drills Under Simplified Conditions increased by 21.3%. Thus, it can be concluded that Drills for Game-Like Situation is more effective in improving smash ability compared to Drills Under Simplified Conditions. This study provides evidence that Drills for Game-Like Situation exercises can be a better alternative to improve the smash ability of volleyball athletes. In conclusion, the effect of two treatment groups, namely Drills for Game-Like Situation and Drills Under Simplified Conditions, on the volleyball smash ability.
Keywords: Drills For Gamelike Situation, Drills Under Simplified Conditions, Smash Ability Volly Ball
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