Engaging Students‘ Speaking Skill Using Role Play in Junior High School

  • Kamal Yusuf UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Feby Anggita Setyamardani UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya


This paper aimed to investigate to what extent the role play technique, especially semi-scripted could improve students’ speaking skill in English. This research was a descriptive qualitative in nature where was conducted at SMP Rahmat in Surabaya, East Java. Thirty students participated in this study and they have practiced a semi-scripted role play as one kind of role play techniques. There was pre-test and post-test applied, before and after the role play activities. The tests were done to measure students’ speaking skill. The results of this study showed that semi-scripted role play technique could significantly improve and affect properly the speaking ability of the students. Furthermore, by employing the semi-scripted role play, the students could freely express their feelings and make them able to explore their creativity in more ways to enable them facing the real life.

KeywordsRole Play, Dialogue, Speaking Skill, English Teaching


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