Evaluasi Kinerja Program Studi di Pendidikan Tinggi Perspective Balance Score

  • Adisel Adisel IAIN Bengkulu


The purpose of this study is to find out how to evaluate the performance of study programs in higher education perspective balance score. The method used in this study is a mix of methods between quantitative and qualitative research methods. Program evaluation and quality assurance have become important elements in the efforts to continuously improve public rehabilitation programs and community-based rehabilitation organizations. higher education, (2) whether there is an increase in higher education performance, the study program is seen from the perspective of the balanced scorecard. This article is an evaluation model of program reviews in higher education services. In addition, the article shows the analysis of other related journals. This continues (1) the results of the higher education performance accreditation assessment process with 4 balanced perspectives that are visible (a) based on the perspective of the financial scorecard in a fairly good position (b) the perspective of the higher education customer is in the good category (c) in the innovation process, can seen as an emerging customer need, a university is a product or service to meet those needs. (d) the existing learning and growth perspective is going quite well. In conclusion, the results of accreditation conducted in general can reflect the feasibility and accountability of agencies in the management of higher education.

Keywords: Performance Evaluation, Balanced Scorecard


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