Penggunaan Knowledge Capture Untuk Promosi Sbu Marine Services Melalui Pendekatan Soft System Methodology (SSM)

  • Heidi Vena Br Gintings University of Indonesia
  • Effy Zalfiana Rusfiani Universitas Indonesia
  • Rchma Fitriati Universitas Indonesia
Keywords: Soft System Methodology, Knowledge Capture, Knowledge Management, Promosi, SBU Marine Services


Efficient marketing is essential to attract customers and maintain a good reputation in the maritime services sector. SBU Marine Services faces a number of difficulties in managing promotion-related knowledge effectively. By using a Soft System Methodology (SSM) approach, this research tries to record and capture promotional knowledge at SBU Marine Services. To improve the quality and effectiveness of a company's promotional efforts, it is hoped that a deeper and more methodical understanding of the promotional process can be achieved through the implementation of SSM. The findings of this research are expected to have a major impact on improving marketing tactics and strengthening SBU Marine Services' position in the marine services industry.


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