• Veny Fitriani Universitas Widyatama
  • Keni Kaniawati Universitas Widyatama
Keywords: Business Development Planning, Entrepreneur, Innovative, Creativity.


Veny Brose shoe manufacturing company is a local shoe product manufacturer in the Cibaduyut shoe centre area. The company started from an opportunity based on the domicile of the residence in Cibaduyut, established in November 2013, with conditions at that time only had two employees, and currently able to have approximately 15 employees and have its own production site. Now its products have been marketed on a national to international scale through exports to Malaysia, Singapore and Korea. The preparation of this Business Plan aims to formulate a development strategy for the Veny Brose shoe manufacturer company through external and internal environmental analysis, using the SWOT analysis method. The estimation of business feasibility shows that the R/C Ratio analysis shows positive results so that it is included in the category of businesses that are feasible to develop. Based on the payback period calculation, the investment of the Veny Brose shoe company can be projected to return within a period of one year and three months. The company also generates a positive NPV which means it is feasible to develop further. The IRR shows that it is feasible to implement and develop because it generates an IRR that is greater than the minimum required discount rate assumption.


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