Pelaksanaan Konsep Creating Shared Value (CSV) Dalam Program Kerjasama Himpunan Mahasiswa Manajemen Unair Dan PT POS Indonesia
Basically, all companies in Indonesia are required to carry out a Social and Environmental Responsibility program or what is usually called Corporate Social Responsibility. As time goes by, the concept of CSR has also developed into Creating Shared Value (CSV). In implementing this CSV program, the Airlangga University Master of Management Student Association collaborates with PT. Pos Indonesia held a CSV program as a social and environmental responsibility targeting children from orphanages in Surabaya. The results of the SROI analysis in this program produce a value of 65.18. This means that every 1 Rupiah invested or invested in the success of the collaboration program carried out by the Master of Management Student Association, Airlangga University and PT. Pos Indonesia is able to generate social returns on an investment of IDR 65.18. This means that the implementation of this program has very high returns and can provide great benefits and added value for the community and the surrounding environment.
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