Peran Media Sosial Instagram, Dukungan Selebriti, Dan Komunikasi Lisan Terhadap Minat Beli Produk Pilotter
Internet technology is a tool that can be relied on and utilized by entrepreneurs a platform for business by increasing consumer behavior in developing interest in purchasing a product. One brand that uses internet technology to increase purchasing interest is the Pilotter brand. Brand Pilotter is a fashion product brand that provides fashion for racing and classy motorbike lovers new. Brand Pilotter does marketing through social media Instagram, celebrity endorsements and verbal communication. However, Pilot brand entrepreneurs do not know for sure which variables have the most influence in it increase interest in buying their product. So researchers are interested in further research regarding variables what has the most influence on increasing consumer buying interest in their products. The purpose of this research namely to find out which variables have the most influence on increasing consumer buying interest in products Pilotter. The research method used is a quantitative method with primary data types. Respondents on This research was determined using the Lemeshow formula and obtained 96 respondents. Test This research uses multiple linear regression analysis, validity test, reliability test, normality test, test multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity test, T test, F test and coefficient of determination. The results in this study stated that the third variable, namely Instagram social media, celebrity endorsement, and verbal communication have an overall influence significant impact on consumer purchasing interest in Pilotter products.
Keywords: Instagram Social Media, Celebrity Endorsements, Oral Communication, Purchase Intention.
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