The Influence Of Good Corporate Governance On Product And Service Disclosure Of Islamic Banks With Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure As A Moderating Variable
This research aims to examine the effect of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) disclosure as a moderating variable for Corporate Governance (GCG) using indicators of institutional ownership, size of the board of directors and sharia supervisory board on product and service disclosure as proxied by the ISR Index. The sample used in this research is Sharia Banks in Indonesia for the period 2018-2022. The type of research carried out in this study is quantitative research, where the sampling method uses a purposive sampling method. By referring to the established criteria, 10 Islamic banks were selected as research samples, and 50 observation data were obtained. The analysis method used is inner model and hypothesis testing using the WarpPLS 8.0 program. The research results show that Institutional Ownership has a positive and significant effect on Product and Service Disclosure, the size of the board of directors and sharia supervisory board has a negative and significant effect on Product and Service Disclosure. Meanwhile, CSR disclosure as a moderating variable is able to moderate the relationship between these three variables on Product and Service Disclosure.
Keywords : Good Corporate Governance, Product and Service Disclosure, Revealing Corporate Social Responsibility
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