Penerapan Model Contextual Teaching and Learning pada Pembelajaran IPS Kelas

  • Ratina Ratina Universitas PGRI Silampari
  • Andri Valen Universitas PGRI Silampari
  • Yuni Krisnawati Universitas PGRI Silampari


This study aims to determine the completeness of student learning outcomes after applying the contextual teaching and learning model in social studies learning for grade V of SD Negeri 85 Lubuklinggau. This type of research is quantitative with the experimental method used being the pre-experimental design method. The experimental design used is in the form of pre-test post-test and group design. The data collection technique in this study uses a test. The test is in the form of 13 multiple-choice questions. Data analysis techniques with steps: average score and standard deviation, normality test, and z-test. The average pre-test score is 56.60 and the average post-test score is 79.92 with a percentage of students who complete it of 79%. Based on the z-test analysis, the Zcount value (3.74) and Ztable (1.64) are obtained if compared, then Zcount> Ztable. For the final test at a significant level of α = 0.05, it can be concluded that the learning outcomes of social studies of grade V students of SD Negeri 85 Lubuklinggau after implementing the Contextual Teaching and Learning learning model were significantly complete.


Keywords: Contextual Teaching and Learning, Learning Outcomes, Social Studies, Implementation


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