Inhalasi Aromaterapi Lavender terhadap Komplikasi Hemodialisis pada Pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronis

  • Isna Amalia Mutiara Dewi Universitas Indonesia
  • Masfuri Masfuri Universitas Indonesia


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of lavender aromatherapy inhalation against hemodialysis complications such as fatigue, anxiety, decreased sleep quality, AVF stabbing pain, and depression. The method used in this research is a systematic literature search from several online databases. The results showed that from ten articles reviewed, and lavender aromatherapy inhalation could reduce hemodialysis complications, namely fatigue, anxiety, decreased sleep quality, and AVF is stabbing pain. In contrast, lavender aromatherapy inhalation for hemodialysis complications such as depression did not show significant results. In conclusion, overall lavender aromatherapy inhalation effectively overcame hemodialysis complications except for depression complications.


Keywords: Aromatherapy, Inhalation, Hemodialysis Complications, Lavender, Essential Oil


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