Rehabilitasi Latihan Fisik terhadap Pemulihan Pasca Stroke
This study aims to identify the effect of exercise and physical activity on post-stroke recovery. The method in this study is a literature review by collecting international databases, namely PubMed, Proquest, Science Direct, NCBI, Sage Journal, and Taylor & Francis. The results showed that the total number of studies reviewed was 12 studies, with 701 patients. The types of stroke included in this study were; recurrent stroke, ischemic, infarction, intracerebral hemorrhage, and transient ischemic attack. Physical activity interventions in this literature study are aerobic exercise, walking exercise, isokinetic training, balance exercise, and aquatic-based exercise. In conclusion, regular physical activity and exercise affect chronic stroke recovery, significantly improving motor function, emotional, cardiorespiratory health, and quality of life.
Keywords: Physical Exercise, Recovery, Rehabilitation, Stroke
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