Suhu Tubuh Bayi Prematur di Inkubator Dinding Tunggal dengan Inkubator Dinding Tunggal Disertai Sungkup

  • Padila Padila Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu
  • Ida Agustien RSUP. Hasan Sadikin Bandung


This study aims to compare the average change in body temperature in a single wall incubator with a single wall incubator with hood in preterm infants with hypothermia. The design of this study uses a comparative descriptive method. The results of the study in the group of preterm infants with hypothermia in a single wall incubator with a lid significantly increased mean body temperature changes with a mean value of 36.09 variance 0.152 while for preterm infants with hypothermia in a single wall incubator a mean value of 35.35 variance values 0.859 and obtained t count from the two study groups namely 2.551 and 1.717 t table. In conclusion, a single wall incubator with a lid increases body temperature in premature infants with hypothermia compared to a single wall incubator.


Keywords: Hypothermia, Incubator, Premature


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