Efektifitas Penggunaan Media LCD dalam Memotivasi Belajar Peserta Didik

  • Muhammad Agus Sugiarto IKIP PGRI Jember


The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the use of LCD media in motivating student learning. Researcher data collection techniques used several techniques namely observation, questionnaire and interview. The steps to present data are; (1) data reduction, summarizing the data obtained so as to provide a clearer picture, (2) Presentation of data, researchers display data in the form of narrative texts supported by questionnaire results that have been tested in the field, (3) Verification, drawing conclusions and verification with the goal can answer the problem formulation. The results of the study, each student has a desire to study hard, but many factors affect students so as to be lazy to learn, this is the task of teachers and parents to be able to motivate. The factors supporting and inhibiting the use of LCD projectors are as follows (1) supporting factors: educators who have expertise from conducting training, awareness of the masters of Education, a conducive and clean learning place, complete facilities and infrastructure. (2) inhibiting factors: there are still educators who have not been able to operate technology so they cannot use LCD media, mash lack of training for teaching staff related to the presentation of interesting material, it is still difficult for educators to use new methods. In conclusion, the use of LCD media can motivate students to learn.

Keywords: Use of LCD Media, Learning Motivation, Learners


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