Sikap Guru terhadap Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus di Sekolah Inklusi

  • Khusna Yulinda Udhiyanasari IKIP PGRI Jember


This study aims to find out how the characteristics of ABK in general, how the role of inclusive schools for ABKs, how the attitudes of teachers and ABK in inclusive schools and how the attitudes of teachers towards ABK in inclusive schools. The research method used a descriptive method by analyzing the characteristics of ABK in general, the role of inclusion schools for ABK, the attitudes of teachers and ABK in inclusive schools and the attitudes of teachers towards ABK in inclusive schools. The results showed that the attitudes of inclusive school teachers (SD Kebonsari 5, Jember) had a bad attitude towards ABK. This result is obtained from the teacher's attitude that lacks respect for the handling of ABK and can also be known from the analysis of the resource person, one of the 10-year-old elementary school students (TM). Conclusion, based on the research findings, it is better if teachers in inclusive schools are expected to be able to improve their ability to handle ABK through trainings organized by the government, school committees can optimize the role of inclusive schools for ABK, related parties participate in assisting the government's role in improving The teacher's ability and understanding of inclusive education is very much needed so that the goal of inclusive education, which is to provide equal and equitable education to ABK, can run well.

Keywords: Teacher Attitudes, Inclusion Schools, Children with Special Needs.


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