Komparasi Kompetensi Kepemimpinan Klinis Perawat Primer Berdasarkan Perspektif Evaluasi Diri dan Evaluasi Kepala Ruangan
This study aims to examine the clinical leadership competence of primary nurses based on the perspective of self-evaluation and evaluation of the head of the room in the inpatient room at Immanuel Hospital, Bandung. This research method is a quantitative research using a comparative research design. The results showed that there was 1 component had an evaluation equation, namely the element of working together with other people both in the primary nurse self-evaluation and the evaluation of the head of the ward had good cooperation. Four components had different evaluation results between the primary nurse's self-evaluation and the evaluation of the head of the room, namely, self-quality, management of nursing care services, improving services, and determining direction. In conclusion, there are differences in the clinical leadership competence of primary nurses based on the primary nurse's self-evaluation with the evaluation of the head of the room.
Keywords: Self Evaluation, Head of Room Evaluation, Clinical Leadership, Primary Nurse
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