Dampak Media Sosial terhadap Kegiatan Kesenian Mahasiswa

  • Hary Murcahyanto Universitas Hamzanwadi
  • Mohzana Mohzana Universitas Hamzanwadi
  • Muhammad Fahrurrozi Universitas Hamzanwadi


The purpose of this study was to describe the factors and impact of social media on art activities on art students in Lombok Timur. The method used is quantitative by survey analysis using questionnaires to collect data from 164 art students at universities in Lombok Timur. The results of this finding that the habit factor of students using social media dominates more, in addition to the intensity factor of watching art activities. On the utilization factor makes more art products, although the attendance factor at art activities directly also supports. The condition factor of society, namely religion dominates the use of social media in addition to language, art, and tradition. Location factor in accessing more at home than on campus, internet café or recreation place. The impact of social media shows that on student art activities are strongly influenced by the use of social media. The majority of students agree that social media does not damage student activities, besides social media is very instrumental in designing artworks, encouraging creativity and being a motivation to promote their work. Conclusions from this study are habit factors, influence factors, intensity factors, utilization factors, direct attendance factors, community condition factors, and factors where the use of media is very determining art activities by art students. Student art activities are strongly influenced by the use of social media and do not damage or interfere with student activities.

Keyword: Arts activities, Students of Arts, Social media


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