Posisi Pronasi terhadap Oksigenasi Pasien COVID-19 dengan Terapi Oksigen Non-Invasif
This study aims to identify evidence on the effect of pronation position on oxygenation in conscious COVID-19 patients receiving non-invasive oxygen therapy. This research method is systematic review research. Literature searches from 2020-2021 were carried out in the online databases of Science Direct, ProQuest, EBSCOhost, and PubMed. The results showed that the majority of the samples were male (69.7%) with an average age of over 50 years and a body mass index (BMI) above average (>23,9). Most of the studies (92%) showed an increase in oxygenation in patients when performed in the prone position. The duration of the pronation position varies from 35 minutes – 12 hours in 24 hours. The pronation position can improve oxygenation in most COVID-19 patients who receive non-invasive oxygen therapy. In conclusion, the pronation position is an intervention that is safe and feasible to implement in conscious COVID-19 patients but with close monitoring from trained health workers.
Keywords: COVID-19, Oxygenation, Pronation Position, Non-Invasive Oxygen Therapy
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